
Ultracold atom mixtures and polarons

Quantum mixtures correspond to quantum gases composed of particles with two or more species. They have received increased attention in the past decade due to the onset of rich physics, such as the non-dissipative drag, coherently coupled condensates, and quantum droplets. In addition, of particular interest is the limit of high population imbalance, where the minority species form a gas of impurities. Such impurities form quasiparticles referred to as polarons, which are relevant in many physical fields. I am interested in describing strongly interacting mixtures and polarons with state-of-the-art theoretical and computational techniques.

Relevant publications:

  • SciPost Physics Core 7, 049 (2024).
  • Physical Review A 104, 023317 (2021).
  • Physical Review A 103, 013318 (2021).

Functional renormalisation group for quantum gases

The functional renormalisation group (FRG) is a non-perturbative implementation of the Wilsonian RG. The FRG is based on the evaluation of the Legendre transformed effective action by solving an exact flow equation. During the RG flow, the physics associated with different scales are incorporated into the effective action as the momentum cut-off is lowered, and so fluctuations are gradually incorporated into the solution. This coarse-graning is particularly useful when degrees of freedom are correlated over a wide range of scales.

The FRG has been proved a powerful tool to extract the low-energy properties of systems in a variety of fields, including high-energy, ultracold atom and statistical physics. In particular, the FRG is particularly useful to study strongly-correlated systems and to study critical phenomena of phase transitions. I have broad interest on applying the FRG approach to ultracold atomic gases.

Relevant publications:

  • Physical Review A 104, 023317 (2021).
  • Physical Review B 98, 144502 (2018).


Atomtronics is an emergent field that intends to build quantum circuits and devices with ultracold atoms. The seminal atomtronic platform is quantum rings, which are analogous to superconducting circuits, and are realizable in current ultracold atom laboratories. Recently, I started to get involved in different projects that aim to induce and control persistent currents in atomtronic rings.

Relevant publications:

  • Physical Review A 110, 053313 (2024).

Ultracold molecules

Ultracold molecules has become the next frontier in the realisation of ultracold quantum matter, being the natural continuation of ultracold atom experiments. Due to their complex structure, molecules are much more difficult to realise experimentally than atoms. However, molecules offer much richer physics. Indeed, while ultracold atoms can be considered as point particles in most situations, molecules have relevant internal degrees of freedom, such as hyperfine structure and rotational modes. In particular, the explotation of rotational modes have been proposed for building platforms for quantum computing. I have started to study the control of molecular rotation, and their use in many-body scenarios to explore the onset of new phases of matter.

Relevant publications:

  • Physical Review A 110, 033323 (2024).